Monday, February 10, 2014

MOMO QIU's 15th Birthday!

I know that 15 isn't much of a special number, but a birthday is still an occasion!
Dear nugget Tisha, I hope you're doing well with your studies. I also hope you like the card I made with Mikee. Continue blogging because the contents are interesting to read. Hehe. Plus, we are each other's valentines. ❤️ (I know there is no logic connection to what I just said, but still... It's love.)

Love & XOXO, Nicole

P.S. I also hope you're wearing the charm bracelet I gave you because I also have one for Mikee and me. :)

This is the link to MOMO QIU's blog!
Follow my blog, too!

1 comment:

  1. awww Nic! thank you soooo much! love you bro (and Mikee too)! <3 :*
